Experiencing Abundant Peace

We cannot avoid trouble in this life, but we can experience abundant peace through every trial. Keep a diligent desire to follow God’s instructions through hard times so you can endure.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Experiencing Abundant Peace

We cannot avoid trouble in this life, but we can experience abundant peace through every trial. Keep a diligent desire to follow God’s instructions through hard times so you can endure.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 119:161-176


  • A proper perspective of God’s Word lessens the likelihood of being intimidated by others (119:161-162).
  • The unshakeable truth of God’s Word should motivate us to praise Him completely (119:163-164).
  • The reason we don’t maintain abundant peace is because we don’t keep God’s Word (119:165-168).
  • God’s Word should fuel our words through prayer, praise, and proclamation (119:169-172).
  • Examine your assurance of salvation by your desire for obedience (119:173-174).
  • None of us will ever reach a state of maturity where we don’t require our Shepherd’s pursuit (119:175-176).


  • Do you need salvation?
  • Trust in Jesus, who kept the Word perfectly for those who could not.
  • Do you need the Scriptures more?
  • Commit to a reasonable Bible reading plan that can challenge you just enough.
  • Do you need stability?
  • Peace may be lacking because you know what the Scriptures say but are unwilling to follow them.
  • Do you need to share them with someone?
  • We each have learned too much to share so little.

Memory Verse

  • Abundant peace belongs to those who love your instruction; nothing makes them stumble (Psalm 119:165).

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