Making disciples of all nations.

By partnering with local and global mission partners, we encourage all members to invest their lives so that others may come to know Jesus. All ages are encouraged to pray, give, and go for the gospel’s sake.

A group on a mission trip
People serving
Notes on a bulletin board
A group on a mission trip
People serving
Notes on a bulletin board
A mission trip
A man carrying a bag
A man exchanging goods with another man
A mission trip
A man carrying a bag
A man exchanging goods with another man

Upcoming Mission Trips

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Rocky Creek Missions Offering

Support the Mission

The RC Missions Offering seeks to advance the work of the gospel locally, nationally, and globally. With an Acts 1:8 focus that extends from Greenville to the ends of the earth, our contributions seek to support ministry workers, church planters, and missionaries as they confront lostness and care for the needy.

An international mission trip

Where your Giving Goes

50% Global

These contributions will be sent directly to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

25% National

Twenty percent of these contributions will be sent directly to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and five percent will be sent to the Janie Chapman Offering.

25% Local

These contributions will be used to scholarship Rocky Creek members in missional endeavors.

Recommission Network

Recommission Network

The Recommission Network is a family of aligned churches attempting to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to their surrounding communities. Our heart is to plant and replant healthy churches that are multiplying disciples. We desire to recommission churches to the Great Commission.

A pastor teaching from a stage

Our Missions Team

Kaitlinn Harrison
Missions/Admin Assistant
John Austin Roberson
Pastoral Resident
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
Taylor Wolfe
Missions Pastor

Missions Resources

Take Your Next Step
