Jesus Came To Turn Over Tables

As soon as Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, He intentionally targeted the religious community. Followers of Jesus must continually evaluate if we are fulfilling the call He has placed upon us.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Jesus Came To Turn Over Tables

As soon as Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, He intentionally targeted the religious community. Followers of Jesus must continually evaluate if we are fulfilling the call He has placed upon us.
January 13, 2019
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 11:1-25

Peace in the City [Mark 11:1-11]

  • Jesus originally didn’t come in authority with a command to submit, but rather He came in humility with a call to follow.
  • Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of biblical prophecies and foreshadowings.
  • The reformation of the culture is contingent upon the revival of God’s people.

Chaos in the Temple [Mark 11:12-19]

  • If the message is to be released, then the messengers must first be refined.
  • Jesus’ severest rebukes are often reserved for those who ought to know better.
  • When God’s people become a hindrance rather than a help for the nations to see Jesus, it’s time to clean house.

Change in the Heart [Mark 11:20-25]

  • Hypocritical believers have a way of displaying the leaves of activity rather than the fruit of transformation.
  • Jesus cursed the type of religion that rejected the presence and power of God.
  • Where religious leaders and institutions have failed, Jesus remains faithful in the temples of the hearts who belong to Him.

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