Jesus Uses Ordinary People

Jesus called ordinary men to follow Him into an extraordinary work. As disciples of Jesus, we must also redefine our purpose to become fishers of men and join Him in His work to reach others.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Jesus Uses Ordinary People

Jesus called ordinary men to follow Him into an extraordinary work. As disciples of Jesus, we must also redefine our purpose to become fishers of men and join Him in His work to reach others.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 1:14-20

The Message to Ordinary People (Mark 1:14-15)

  • The time is fulfilled: The context and content of Jesus’ ministry was precisely predetermined.
  • The kingdom of God is at hand: The kingdom of God is God’s rule over God’s people in God’s place.
  • Repent and believe in the gospel: The gospel does not mean good advice, it means good news.

The Method of Ordinary People (Mark 1:16-17)

  • Jesus’ method to bring about God’s kingdom began with gathering a few unassuming disciples.
  • Instead of students selecting their desired teacher, Jesus initiated relationships with those He wanted to follow Him.
  • Jesus repurposed fishermen in order to gather and spare people from God’s impending judgment.

The Meddling with Ordinary People (Mark 1:18-20)

  • Discipleship isn’t getting Jesus to help with your agenda, but aligning your entire life to submit to His agenda.
  • The audacity of Jesus’ call to discipleship only makes sense if He has the authority to interrupt our lives.
  • Most people try to use Jesus in the three areas that He called the original disciples to surrender: careers, connections, and comforts.

Next Step

  • Do you believe the message of the gospel?
  • Are you involved in the method of discipleship?
  • How are you trying to hinder Jesus’ meddling in your life?
    • Career?
    • Connection?
    • Comfort?

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