Adult Ministry
We want to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Every adult in every stage of life can be a part of what God is doing at Rocky Creek. Through our Gospel Groups, cohorts, ministry events, and courses there are plenty of opportunities to connect with fellow believers.

Discover the Adults ministry and join us in growing closer to Jesus.
Men and Women Cohorts

Learn and Apply Biblical Truths
Join a Gospel Group

More Opportunities
Upcoming Adults Events
Common Questions
Our church has a ministry specifically for widows. A ministry group cares for the needs of our widows. Ministry can include transportation to doctor appointments, assisting with household emergencies, or simply providing conversations and regular points of checking in. There is also a yearly banquet to honor the widows in our church family.
This one is complicated, so hang with us.
Courses serve as discipleship opportunities to learn about a specific topic we may not cover in typical environments and are offered quarterly. You often have an opportunity to take courses either at Midweek or on Sunday evenings.
Cohorts are yearly initiatives in which our men and women dive into a yearlong process of discipleship consisting of book studies that also align with course offerings and other scheduled events.
You do not have to register for a course to be a part of the cohort nor do you have to register for the cohort to be a part of the course. You can pick as much or as little as you desire to grow in your specific plan for discipleship.