Take Your Next Step

Every human is a follower. The question is: What or who are you following? We want you to know that Jesus is pursuing you, and that you were created to passionately follow Him. Whether you are brand new to Rocky Creek or if you have been a member for a while, it may be time to consider a Next Step.

A couple smiling
Notes on a poster board
Pastor teaching a class
A couple smiling
Notes on a poster board
Pastor teaching a class
A girl getting baptized
A girl handing out bulletins
Friends by a bike
A girl getting baptized
A girl handing out bulletins
Friends by a bike

Attend Worship

Join us on Sundays

You are welcome here. Every week at Rocky Creek, Christians and non-Christians, seekers and skeptics, the fired-up and the burned-out all come together to learn more about Jesus’ great invitation to follow Him.
A church service

Follow Jesus

An older couple smiling


If you have recently professed your faith in Jesus Christ or would like to speak to someone about following Him, we would love to hear from you. Most importantly, if you have followed Christ, don’t keep that to yourself. Allow us to celebrate with you and to help you grow in your new faith in Christ.


Baptism is a public declaration of the step of faith one has already taken to follow Jesus. Baptism by immersion is a vivid illustration of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. It is a step of obedience for a believer and a picture of the new believer being raised to walk in a new life in Christ.

Explore Membership

Next Steps Event

Our Next Steps Event is a place where you can explore your relationship with God or where you can explore church membership with Rocky Creek. At this event, you will meet with our staff and have an opportunity to hear more about the church and to ask questions. After the event, you will be given the opportunity to sign the membership covenant to become part of our church family, or you can continue to pray about your decision. The Next Steps event is a safe place to explore your next steps in your faith journey.
A pastor teaching a membership class

Helping You Follow Jesus Every Day


Should I Get Married If My Parents Don't Want Me To?

February 3, 2025

Partnership: Family According to God’s Plan

February 2, 2025

Where Do We See Contextualization in Scripture?

January 28, 2025

Take Your Next Step
