We connect people to the gospel through healthy churches.

Our Mission
We want to see lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ through healthy local churches. We strive to come alongside churches to reach, teach, and send people out as messengers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tiers of Partnership
Working with the leaders of a local church, Rocky Creek’s team could help assess where the church is and where it needs to be. This process would allow all parties to see what a healthy partnership could look like in the future.
The Recommission Network can assist by filling needed positions to serve the church immediately. Through pulpit supply, key leadership positions, practical training, or continued evaluation, we can help resource a church in a time of transition while both parties pray about the next steps.
If all parties desire a more long-term affiliation, Rocky Creek envisions helping a local church go further, faster. Instead of worrying about all matters regarding a church’s growth, Rocky Creek’s staff, resources, events, and systems could be replicated at the local church, where it helps the most.
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