
Midweek takes place on Wednesdays at 6:30PM. Midweek is a time of ministry and fellowship with your church family. Midweek is intimate because of the types of groups connecting on our campus and how they band together with a common interest. Explore all of the opportunities below.

Don't Do Life Alone

Join a Gospel Group

We don’t want you to be unknown in a growing church. Isolated Christianity doesn’t work. You need others, and others need you. Our Gospel Groups will help you grow in the gospel and go with the gospel.
A girl studying her bible

Rehearse and Worship Together

Join our Music Ministry

Our choir, praise team, and musicians come together to celebrate through worship on Wednesday evenings in order to prepare to lead the church in worship on Sundays. You can sign-up to be a part of our Music Ministry by filling out a Next Steps Card.
People on a stage

Prayer is Vitally Important

A woman sitting

Weekly Prayer Gathering

Prayer is vitally important, so that’s why we have a weekly prayer gathering. You can come and pray over needs in the church or bring your own needs to have others pray over you. The organized time is from 6:30-7:30 in the Multipurpose Room, but you can come 30 minutes early or 30 minutes late if you want some time to pray before or after your other Midweek commitments.

Take Your Next Step
