When My Pride Is Disguised as Your Problem

As Jesus proceeded towards the cross, the disciples argued about who was the greatest and about who should be included. Until we address our pride, we will always see everyone else as the problem.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Pride & Humility

When My Pride Is Disguised as Your Problem

As Jesus proceeded towards the cross, the disciples argued about who was the greatest and about who should be included. Until we address our pride, we will always see everyone else as the problem.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 9:30-41

I Don’t Have to Be Right [Mark 9:30-32}

  • Not everyone is able to accept the plans of God.
  • God’s plan was that the tragedy of Jesus’ sacrifice was necessary for the triumph of our redemption.
  • Assuming that my plan is superior is a prideful assertion that God’s plan is inadequate.

I Don’t Have to Be First [Mark 9:33-37]

  • Attempting to prove your importance actually reveals your inadequacies.
  • True greatness is being willing to serve all – not desiring to be served by all.
  • When we receive whom the world holds as the least, we actually receive whom the heavens hold as the greatest.

I Don’t Have to Be Included [Mark 9:38-41]

  • You can’t be zealous for God’s work if you are jealous of who gets the credit.
  • I can miss the work of God when I prioritize my tribe over God’s agenda.
  • If the deeds are noble and the motives are pure, we should celebrate those believers and not condemn their associations.

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