Implementing Discipleship

While you have experienced progress, now it is time to define your distinctive strategy which you will use for the months to come.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Implementing Discipleship

While you have experienced progress, now it is time to define your distinctive strategy which you will use for the months to come.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor


While we all came to this study in a different spiritual place, and we will each leave with a different set of directions, we have all benefitted from the insight and encouragement from others. Your steps in the past can help direct another’s decisions in the future.

  • How have you noticed God growing you recently?
  • Proverbs 27:17 says that we are to sharpen one another.
  • What is one way that people best sharpen you?


Before we embark upon this journey of discipleship, we must count the cost of such a trip. The manner of completion will be proportional to the level of preparation. Read Jesus’ words on discipleship in Luke 14:25-27.

  • What is the most shocking suggestion by Jesus?
  • How would you explain that concept to someone more immature in the faith?
  • In Jesus’ culture, “hating” was an expression of loving something less based on a comparison. Other biblical examples employ this language to make a statement on the placement of priority rather than an example of vindictiveness (Gen. 29:30-31; Matt. 10:37).
  • What does it practically look like to place your commitment to Jesus above all other relationships?
  • When Jesus spoke of taking up a cross (Luke 14:27), it was before he died upon his.
  • What would those original disciples have understood Jesus to mean at that moment when he instructed them to take up their cross?
  • Now read his words in Luke 14:28-33.
  • How is discipleship like building a tower (14:28-30)?
  • How is discipleship like waging war (14:31-32)?

Each of us must count the cost to follow Jesus. We need more than motivation to begin; we need preparation to endure. If not careful, we will finish this session with high aspirations yet fail to follow through due to a lack of planning.


After you complete your plan, write out some notes under each one of the necessary steps or helpful resources. Think through these items.

  • Is there a resource I need?
  • Is there a wise mentor I need to seek?
  • What are the next steps?
  • How will I know if I have been successful?

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