Doctrine: Strengthening Your Uncertain Beliefs

While we all know some degree of biblical knowledge, we each should probably know a little bit more by now. Committed disciples need to strengthen any uncertain beliefs by targeted study.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Doctrine: Strengthening Your Uncertain Beliefs

While we all know some degree of biblical knowledge, we each should probably know a little bit more by now. Committed disciples need to strengthen any uncertain beliefs by targeted study.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Hebrews 5:11-6:8
  • Distinctive Discipleship – Designing Specific Plans for Christian Maturity
  • Category #3: Doctrine
  • “teaching everyone with all wisdom” (Col. 1:28).


  • How familiar am I with the Word of God?
  • If the Church is ignorant with the Scriptures, why are we surprised that our culture is intolerant?
  • Each of us will respond to our biblical uncertainty by either ignoring it, justifying it, or addressing it.
  • You will never fortify an unstable belief by accident.


  • What should I know by now?
  • A dull adherence to biblical theology says more about the believer than the content (5:11).
  • Being unwilling to mature in doctrine threatens your beliefs and your behaviors (5:12-13).
  • You will never graduate from elementary understanding without consistent training (5:14-6:3).
  • Those who never advance past basic beliefs are more prone to abandon the Christian faith (6:4-8).


  • What is the uncertain belief that I must address next?
  • Every heresy is defended by taking some Scripture out of context.
  • Focus on studying a critical doctrine more than a curious topic.
  • The goal is to take a vague idea and enforce it as a biblical doctrine.
  • The pivotal doctrine for me to study is:
  • How?

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