There's a Ram in the Thicket

God miraculously gave Abraham a son but later commanded to sacrifice him. Instead of Abraham having to go through with Isaac's death, a ram in the thicket became the substitute.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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There's a Ram in the Thicket

God miraculously gave Abraham a son but later commanded to sacrifice him. Instead of Abraham having to go through with Isaac's death, a ram in the thicket became the substitute.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Genesis 22


  • After the Fall in the Garden of Eden, sin escalated so much that God sent his wrath in the form of a flood (Gen. 7:23).
  • After an attempt to reach God by their own methods at Babel, God scattered the nations (Gen. 11:9).
  • God’s blessing of Abraham was undeserved, and yet he was chosen to bless all the nations of the earth (Gen. 12:2-3).


  • When God tested Abraham, he expected him to pass (Gen. 22:1).
  • Trust is demonstrated by obedience.  Abraham proved his faith (Gen. 15:6) by this work (Gen. 22:2).
  • Due to Abraham’s belief in God’s promise regarding Isaac, he knew that both of them would come back somehow (Gen. 22:5).
  • It is typical for the offerer to provide the sacrifice, but this time, God would provide the substitute himself (Gen. 22:8).


  • Moriah became a pivotal site regarding atonement for sin (Gen. 22:2; cf. 2 Ch. 3:1; Matt. 27:51).
  • Isaac’s search for the sacrificial lamb (Gen. 22:7) is ultimately found in Jesus (John 1:29).
  • The next only, beloved son offered up by a father would not have a substitute (Gen. 22:2).  He would be the substitute (John 3:16)!
  • Jesus is the greater Isaac.  The one and only son born from a miraculous birth.
  • Jesus is the greater, beloved son of the Father and unmistaken child of the promise.
  • Jesus is the greater willing sacrifice, graciously submitting to his Father’s plans.
  • Jesus is the greater companion following his Father up the mountain of sacrifice.
  • Jesus is the greater pilgrim journeying three days to his destination.
  • Jesus is the greater traveler carrying the wood of his own death upon his back.
  • Jesus is the greater sufferer, undeservingly bound to his execution.
  • Jesus is the greater substitute arrayed in the crown of thorns.
  • Jesus is the greater resurrector, rising victorious back to life.

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