The Changing of Majority

While the standard of morality within the United States continues to drift, Christians are left facing a different spiritual landscape. With the changing of the majority's beliefs, we must adapt to ensure biblical faithfulness in rebellious times.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Changing of Majority

While the standard of morality within the United States continues to drift, Christians are left facing a different spiritual landscape. With the changing of the majority's beliefs, we must adapt to ensure biblical faithfulness in rebellious times.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

The State of the Union

  • The Moral Majority was founded in 1979 as a way to represent political activism from a religious viewpoint.
  • As a legitimate political force, it strongly encouraged conservative values in civic arenas.
  • With losses among key battleground issues, the group dissolved officially, but the mindset remains.
  • Beliefs that were not even accepted a few terms ago among liberal politicians are now brazenly celebrated as the new standard.
  • If we are losing the moral majority position, we cannot forfeit the prophetic minority position.

The Troubler of the People

1 Kings 18

  • King Solomon's tolerance of pagan religions among God's people opened the door for widespread relativism.
  • Elijah wasn't persecuted because he followed the LORD; he was persecuted because he told others they should too.
  • Prideful politicians will blame biblical believers for causing tension among the people.
  • Sin leads to chaos; obedience leads to peace.
  • It is always a good thing to stir up trouble when the status quo is disobedience.
  • People don't have a problem with your way until you begin to talk as if it is the way.
  • Desire to win a soul more than an argument.

The Balance of the Prophets

  • Even if the country moves further away from biblical mandates does not give Christians a free pass to compromise.
  • Disciples of Jesus must commit to God's way regardless of what is popular.
  • We should not expect American citizens to ascribe to biblical values.
  • "We can engage in politics because we aren’t controlled by naive optimism or overwhelming despair." -Bruce Ashford
  • "Politics should never influence your religion, but if your religion doesn’t alter your politics, you’ve got a weak example." -Bruce Ashford
  • Celebrate when noble policies pass, but commit to biblical mandates even when they don't.

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