I Pledge Allegiance

As we live our lives on the earth, we are never to forget that our citizenship is in heaven. Ultimately, we belong to another King and another Kingdom.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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I Pledge Allegiance

As we live our lives on the earth, we are never to forget that our citizenship is in heaven. Ultimately, we belong to another King and another Kingdom.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Philippians 3:17-21

Common Allegiance (3:17)

  • Many have never seen biblical Christianity because they’ve never positioned themselves around those who are practicing it.
  • True discipleship prioritizes imitation over information.

Careful Avoidance (3:18-19)

  • There are those within the walls of religion that are against the ways of Jesus.
  • Beware of those whose version of faith always seems to satisfy personal cravings.

Heavenly Citizenship (3:20-21)

  • The reason why this world never seems to fit is because we were built for another one.
  • Your American citizenship is temporary, but your heavenly citizenship is eternal.
  • Our great hope is in our coming Savior and not a flawed politician.
  • Jesus doesn’t require your vote in order to reign supreme.


  • Bow for our politicians but never to our politicians.
  • Never let a political party define your ethical standard.
  • Spiritual matters should create greater unity than political agendas.
  • Beware of a type of idolatry that actually poses as patriotism.
  • If Jesus isn’t your greatest allegiance, you might be in danger of worshiping another god.

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