Relentless Prayers and a Willing God

In The Parable of the Persistent Friend, Jesus taught the need for consistent prayers. Many of us are not receiving certain things simply because we have failed to ask.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
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God's Will

Relentless Prayers and a Willing God

In The Parable of the Persistent Friend, Jesus taught the need for consistent prayers. Many of us are not receiving certain things simply because we have failed to ask.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
Luke 11:5–13

Context (11:1-4)

  • Jesus was teaching His disciples a reliable model of prayer. (11:1-4)
  • Jesus is teaching that God is holy yet approachable.

Content (11:5-8)

  • A friend goes to his neighbor for food in the night.
  • The neighbor does not want to be bothered by the friend.
  • Because of the friends insistence, the neighbor meets his needs.
  • Jesus is teaching his disciples to pray with persistence.

Concept (11:9-13)

  • Persistent prayer involves, asking, seeking, knocking.
  • We must never equate our heavenly Father to our earthly one.
  • The greatest prayer the Lord will ever answer is Salvation.

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