Overview of the New Testament

Nine authors wrote the twenty-seven books that comprise the New Testament. Within a few decades, they complied and spread the message of Jesus and the ministry of the early church.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Bible

Overview of the New Testament

Nine authors wrote the twenty-seven books that comprise the New Testament. Within a few decades, they complied and spread the message of Jesus and the ministry of the early church.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

Bible Overview

  1. Law - Gen - Deut (5)
  2. History - Josh - East (12)
  3. Poetry - Job - SS (5)
  4. Prophecy - Isa - Mal (17)
  5. Gospels - Matt - John (4)
  6. Narrative - Acts (1)
  7. Epistles - Rom - Jud (21)
  8. Prophecy - Rev (1)

Grand Narratives

  • Old Testament - Preparing for Christ
  • Gospels - Arrival of Christ
  • Acts & Epistles - Continuation of Christ
  • Revelation - Anticipation for Christ

The New Testament in 15 Words

  1. Incarnation
  2. Preparation
  3. Ministry
  4. Disciples
  5. Associations
  6. Crucifixion
  7. Resurrection
  8. Commission
  9. Pentecost
  10. Persecution
  11. Damascus
  12. Council
  13. Church
  14. Instructions
  15. Re-Creation

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