Down But Not Out

The people of God know what it is like to be down but not out. No matter the opposition we encounter, our God continues to hold us steadfast.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Down But Not Out

The people of God know what it is like to be down but not out. No matter the opposition we encounter, our God continues to hold us steadfast.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 129:1-8

We May Be Down (129:1-4)

  • We often share the presence of our problems while neglecting to acknowledge our perseverance through them.
  • God’s people have been repeatedly knocked down, yet we consistently get back up.
  • We should not be surprised by Christian suffering if we were saved by Christ’s suffering.

But We’re Not Out (129:5-8)

  • The culture doesn’t hate who you are but who you represent.
  • The enemies of God exalt themselves to have rapid growth, but they will experience a sudden demise.
  • Believers should never employ vain expressions to provide false assurance.


  • Individually – The trial that should have taken you down became the testimony of how God kept you up.
  • Corporately – If God has held His people this far, He won’t drop us now.
God’s deliverance will come by His way at His time.

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