I AM the Center of the Universe

We mistakenly live as if we are the center of the universe. If we can truly understand the might of our Creator, we can finally grasp our proper perspective as part of the creation.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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I AM the Center of the Universe

We mistakenly live as if we are the center of the universe. If we can truly understand the might of our Creator, we can finally grasp our proper perspective as part of the creation.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 104:1-35
  1. Day 1: Light (104:1-2a) – The universe shines a light so that we would worship the Creator and not the creation.
  2. Day 2: Skies & Waters (104:2b-4) – No amount of effort could ever behold all that God effortlessly made.
  3. Day 3: Earth (104:5-18) – God designed the earth to produce an abundance so that our satisfaction would cause us to look to Him.
  4. Day 4: Luminaries (104:19-23) – We arrange the entirety of our lives around luminary timepieces that habitually submit to God’s schedule.
  5. Day 5: Birds & Fish (104:24-26) – The creatures we fear to be untamed dangers are seen by God as frolicking pets.
  6. Day 6: Land Animals & Humans (104:27-30) – All living creatures are undeniably dependent upon the daily provision of God.
  7. Day 7: Rest (104:31-35) – When I behold Creation, I tremble, but when God beholds Creation, it trembles (32)!
  • We give God the greatest joy when we find our greatest joy in who He is and what He has done (31, 34).
  • The point of my life is not so this world would know who I am, but that they would know I AM (31-35).

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