Leading with Faithfulness in a Fallen World

The dismal state of the world can cause a leader to question if positive change is even possible. We must lead with integrity and intentionality no matter how dark this culture becomes.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Leading with Faithfulness in a Fallen World

The dismal state of the world can cause a leader to question if positive change is even possible. We must lead with integrity and intentionality no matter how dark this culture becomes.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

The Problem

  • The current cultural climate is so hostile to the biblical standard that it can cause even the strongest of saints to consider surrendering.
  • This fallen world positions leaders to choose compromise, retreat, surrender, or influence.
  • The dismal state of this world does not guarantee that its end has to be the end of everyone in it.

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.”

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The Example (2 Kings 22-23)

  • While Josiah became king at an early age, he responded well when he became familiar with Scripture’s teaching (22:1, 11).
  • Josiah observed the state of his culture against the teachings of God’s Word, and he knew that they were in trouble (22:12-13).
  • Due to Josiah’s humbling himself before the LORD, he would not personally experience coming divine judgment (22:15-20).
  • Josiah used his influence to expose other leaders to truth and to guide them to a different way of life (23:1-3).
  • While free from the punishment of the culture’s idols, he still did everything he could to remove them from among the people (23:4-20).
  • Josiah knew their only hope was found in the sacrifice of another (23:21-23).

The Adjustment

  • Don’t underestimate what one’s influence can do.
  • Don’t overestimate what one’s culture might do.
  • While leaders can’t change hearts, they can inform minds.
  • Commit to Scripture’s teachings more than a culture’s leanings.
  • Leverage your influence to protect others from sin’s devastation.

We cannot live in a verified godless culture if we still live amongst it.

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