Leading in Ministry

Ambitious yet isolated individuals will not advance Kingdom work. Jesus’ plan to reach the world hinges on our ability to pass lessons and provide opportunities to those behind us. 
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Leading in Ministry

Ambitious yet isolated individuals will not advance Kingdom work. Jesus’ plan to reach the world hinges on our ability to pass lessons and provide opportunities to those behind us. 
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

The Problem

  • Individualistic mindsets cause us to focus more on working in such a way that others depend on us.
  • We want to avoid platform-building personalities and ambition-lacking organizations.
  • If we needed more than a halfway Christ, then we should offer more than a mediocre commitment.

“Give me ten men that hate nothing but sin and love nothing but God, and we will change the world.” –John Wesley

The Example (2 Samuel 21:15-22)

  • Israel trusted in King Saul the Tall until Goliath the Taller surpassed him (1 Sam. 9:2; 17:11).
  • David defeated that giant because he trusted God’s strength instead of his own (1 Sam. 17:46-47).
  • David gathered and inspired a group of mighty men who were valiant in battle and loyal to their king (2 Sam. 23:8-9).
  • When David was almost killed in his old age, the mighty men refused him the right to return to battle (2 Sam. 21:15-17).
  • David was more victorious in his feeble days due to his bravery being multiplied among others (2 Sam. 21:18-22).

The Adjustment

  • Giant-slaying leaders make giant-slaying followers.
  • People desperately need leaders who bravely follow God.
  • It’s better to multiply a movement than memorialize a mentor.
  • If discipleship is done right, the ministry has increased by the time the leader is gone.
  • Healthy ministries will never have an opportunity problem if they address their capacity problem.
  • The most effective ministries align with God’s agenda and develop potential leaders.

A leader’s greatest legacy is the continuation of the work once he or she is gone.

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