Leading Like Jesus

Jesus single-handedly altered the course of history and is the most influential person who ever lived. As a homeless teacher, His ministry emerged from obscurity to a worldwide impact based on uncommon humility and power.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Leading Like Jesus

Jesus single-handedly altered the course of history and is the most influential person who ever lived. As a homeless teacher, His ministry emerged from obscurity to a worldwide impact based on uncommon humility and power.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

The Problem

  • By any cultural standards, Jesus would not have been considered a significant leader in His lifetime.
  • Most of the headlined leaders in our society resemble the opposite of everything Jesus portrayed.
  • By sheer impact, no one who has ever lived has created such cultural tidal changes as Jesus Christ.

"Jesus’ concern was not with programs to reach the multitudes, but with men whom the multitudes would follow.” –Robert Coleman

The Example (Luke 10:1-20)

I Do It; You Watch (Luke 6:12-19)

  • After praying for a night, Jesus called the twelve disciples to himself.
  • As soon as Jesus gathered them, He invited the disciples to observe as He ministered to the people.

I Do It; You Help (Luke 9:10-17)

  • Jesus felt compassion for the hungry people and miraculously fed them.
  • Jesus included the disciples in the food distribution to give them introductory ministry tasks.

You Do It; I Help (Luke 9:37-43)

  • A desperate father brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus’ disciples, and they were unable to help him.
  • Jesus cleaned up their mess and addressed all needs present.

You Do It; I Watch (Luke 10:1-20)

  • After they failed to cast out the demon, Jesus sent them to do just what they had seen Him do.
  • Jesus commended them upon their return due to their significant victory over the enemy.

The Adjustment

  • Making disciples hinges on Christians stepping up as leaders to do what Christ has called.
  • Our leadership should be boldly ambitious because we live for something of eternal value.
  • Leaders are learners – you will never arrive at complete maturity in this life.
  • Leaders are teachers – Christ expects you to take what you have and invest it into others.
  • Live in such a way that your impact outlives you.

Follow the greatest servant Jesus, and you will never lack opportunities to lead others.

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