If We Got What We Deserved

While we honestly hope that others receive what they deserve, do we really want that for ourselves? David cried out to God because he was fully aware of his own need for mercy.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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If We Got What We Deserved

While we honestly hope that others receive what they deserve, do we really want that for ourselves? David cried out to God because he was fully aware of his own need for mercy.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 28

Are You in Need of Mercy? [Ps. 28:1-2]

  • The direction and desperation of your cries for help tell a lot about your faith (28:1).
  • What does your personal prayer life indicate about your dependence upon the LORD (28:2)?
  • Lifting our hands is a visible indication of where we seek our help (28:2).

Do You Deserve Mercy? [Ps. 28:3-5]

  • Do I really want God to give me what I deserve?
  • God will ultimately hold every wicked person accountable for their deeds (28:3-4).
  • Everyone will either receive the reward for their work (28:4) or the LORD’s work (28:5).
  • In Christ, you are no longer seen as wicked. Outside of Christ, you are still guilty.

Have You Received Mercy? [Ps. 28:6-9]

  • God is eager to bestow mercy on the one who asks for it (28:6).
  • The LORD doesn’t provide a shield because He became our shield (28:7).
  • If you lack strength right now, it is not because it is unavailable (28:8).
  • God will either drag me off (28:3) or carry me off (28:9).

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