The Proper Perspective for the Troubled Life

When David was overwhelmed with God’s discipline in his life, he maintained a proper perspective and took it to God through prayer. Don’t talk to everyone else about your troubles while neglecting the one who can fix them.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Proper Perspective for the Troubled Life

When David was overwhelmed with God’s discipline in his life, he maintained a proper perspective and took it to God through prayer. Don’t talk to everyone else about your troubles while neglecting the one who can fix them.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 39

Proper Context (Psalm 39:1-3)

  • Others can tell how authentic your faith is when troubling times come your way.
  • You don’t need to broadcast to the world what needs to be laid before God.

Proper Perspective (Psalm 39:4-6)

  • My life is too fleeting to overwhelm myself with trivial issues.
  • Anxietyincreaseswhen you focus too much on concerns that won’t have a long shelf life.

Proper Hope (Psalm 39:7-11)

  • God can strip anything away from me that attempts to replace him as my only hope.
  • If God starts my discipline, nothing can stop it but him.

Proper Prayer (Psalm 39:12-13)

  • You can better process the trials of this life if you remember that this isn’t your home.
  • Don’t waste time complaining about what God has done when you could be praying about what he might do.

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