Your Family Needs You to Sing

In a time with mass amounts of online worship options, here are reasons to prioritize worship with your family.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist

Your Family Needs You to Sing

In a time with mass amounts of online worship options, here are reasons to prioritize worship with your family.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist

We now have two weeks of online services behind us, with the potential for many more ahead. Worship online is different, it is awkward at times, and personally, I would much rather be in the sanctuary surrounded by others. I love to be around people, and when it comes to worship, I sit in the front so I can hear other believers singing out behind me. I miss that in the comfort of my living room. Nonetheless, I still sing my heart out, and you should too. Here are four reasons why your family needs you to sing.

  1. Your family needs encouragement to sing loud - I get it, you may not be a great singer, and I’m not either. Thankfully, God doesn’t care about the tone of our voice, He cares about the tone of our heart. Singing in front of your family will show them what it means to truly worship God, and encourage them to do the same.
  2. Your family needs to see that worship is active and not passive - When we worship Christ, it is not a show for us to sit back and watch. It is an active experience that we get to partake in with other believers. The temptation when watching a live-stream online is to become a consumer and let it entertain us. Let me encourage you to start focusing on your own act of worship. Don’t watch the live stream like you watch your favorite TV show, watch the live stream as if the music is in the same room as you. Be an active participant in worship.
  3. Your family needs to experience spiritual unity in your family - Corporate singing in church helps us identify that we all worship the same God and find unity with one another in praise to God. Promote that same unity with your family in your living room. Just because there aren’t others around does not mean that you are not the body of Christ.
  4. They need help overcoming the awkwardness - You are not the only one that may think it is a little awkward to sing with the TV screen with just your family in the room with you. If you ask, they probably agree with you. Embrace the awkwardness together. You are in a room with your family, use your closeness with one another to open up and worship together.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to set an example and open up conversations with the rest of your family about why worship is important. And when we are back in the sanctuary together, continue to set this example for your church family. Let’s sing loud and glorify God together.

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