The Exposed Places

In every home, there are exposed places for the enemy to enter. We must identify where they are, build up the walls, and fight against his tactics.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Exposed Places

In every home, there are exposed places for the enemy to enter. We must identify where they are, build up the walls, and fight against his tactics.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Nehemiah 4:10-14

Nehemiah’s Context

  • God’s people had lived in exile due to their sin, but God was gracious to allow them to return home.
  • Ezra led the people to rebuild the temple for worship, and Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the wall for protection.
  • The builders became overwhelmed by the massive task, the formidable opposition, and the pessimistic commentators.

Nehemiah’s Instruction

  • Nehemiah placed the builders in the exposed places of the wall and exchanged their tools for weapons.
  • To increase their commitment to the battle, he positioned each man’s family behind him.
  • Nehemiah encouraged the people to do three things:
    • 1. Disregard the enemy
    • 2. Remember the Lord
    • 3. Fight for your family
  • Once they stood their ground, they were able to continue the work of securing the city and their homes.

Nehemiah’s Application

  • We also have a ruthless enemy who is trying to destroy your family.
  • We also must fight against his attacks and rebuild what has previously been destroyed.
  • Disregard any enemy who says your family is too endangered to survive.
  • Remember how far the Lord has brought you and believe that he isn’t through with your family.
  • Do whatever it takes (defensively and offensively) to fight for your family.

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