When Jesus Comes Back

While we don’t know exactly when Jesus will return, we are confident that He will. The reality of Jesus’ second coming helps keep us in the light amid all the darkness of this world.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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End Times

When Jesus Comes Back

While we don’t know exactly when Jesus will return, we are confident that He will. The reality of Jesus’ second coming helps keep us in the light amid all the darkness of this world.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Thessalonians 5:1–8

Areas of Agreement

  • All Christians will experience some level of suffering in this life due to our association with Jesus.
  • No Christian will experience God’s judgment because Christ has already taken it for us.
  • Some Christians will be wrong with their end time predictions yet still experience eternity with Jesus.

No More Warnings (5:1-3)

  • God doesn’t owe us any additional warnings other than what He has already given us (5:1).
  • The only way to prepare for the Lord’s return is to assume that it could come at any time (5:2).
  • Those who try to stay oblivious to spiritual matters now will be unable to avoid them soon (5:3).
  • The people of God do not need to fear the Day of the Lord (5:3).

No More Excuses (5:4-8)

  • If we are indeed children of light, we shouldn’t stumble like those still in darkness (5:4-5).
  • Spiritual slumbers or sinful habits are signs of those deflecting eternal realities (5:6-7).
  • Don’t walk through the battlefield of this life without protecting your heart and your head (5:8).
  • The direction of your faith, love, and hope reveals your ultimate allegiance (5:8).

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1 Thessalonians

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