God Expects Holiness

Since the gospel has transformed us, our lifestyles should alter significantly. God’s perfect holiness empowers and expects our personal holiness.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God Expects Holiness

Since the gospel has transformed us, our lifestyles should alter significantly. God’s perfect holiness empowers and expects our personal holiness.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Peter 1:13-21


  • We can’t consider instruction for what we should do until we have reflected on what Christ has done (1:13).
  • The quest for holiness includes developing a mindset that actually desires it (1:13).
  • Your conduct ought to be noticeably different since becoming a part of the family of God (1:14).
  • Dedication to God means that you are thoroughly set apart (1:15-16).
  • You should live securely in your identity and reverently in your activity (1:17).
  • The value of salvation’s price tag should encourage us to discontinue our cheap habits (1:18-19).
  • If the resurrected Christ is God’s plan from the beginning, I can trust Him to the very end (1:20-21).


  • Reflect, Receive, or Reject?
  • To ignore the gospel of Jesus is to reject it.
  • Jesus sacrificed His life for you; will you surrender your life to Him?
  • Challenge, Conform, or Change?
  • God did not forgive your sins so you could live with a free pass to continue them.
  • Jesus provides righteousness yet expects holiness.

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