A Woman's Worth

While we all seek affirmation from others, the source from which we seek it will determine the course of our lives. God's Word provides clarity for women regarding the type of worth they ought to esteem.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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A Woman's Worth

While we all seek affirmation from others, the source from which we seek it will determine the course of our lives. God's Word provides clarity for women regarding the type of worth they ought to esteem.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Proverbs 31:10-31
While we all seek affirmation from others, the source from which we seek it will determine the course of our lives. God’s Word provides clarity for women regarding the type of worth they ought to esteem.

Series Overview

  • The Book of Proverbs is a collection of critical wisdom shared within family relationships.
  • Family relationships suffer from unnecessary pain because we fail to apply God’s clear yet direct instructions.
  • If you want to experience an incredible family, you must apply biblical wisdom.  

The Woman Who Fears the LORD

  • A woman’s worth is more valuable than anything this world has to offer (31:10).
  • Any family’s stability is impacted by how much trust they have in the leading lady (31:11-12).
  • A family can tell the difference between someone who serves them willingly or reluctantly (31:13-14).
  • Do not trust voices that tell you that caring for your family in any capacity is demeaning work (31:15-19).
  • A godly woman helps lead the family to serve and impact others (31:20-26).
  • A woman who trusts in the LORD is not overridden with fear about the future (31:25).
  • You will not be successful if you gain the world’s esteem and yet lose it at home (31:26-31).
  • Beware if you sense that you require affirmation from more than the LORD and your family.

The Family Who Appreciates the Woman

  • Husbands – if you have a godly wife, prioritize encouraging her and telling others (31:28).
  • Children – you must be intentional to bless your mother who gives so much of herself to you (31:28).
  • Women – seek to know what the LORD says and remain eager to do it (31:30).
  • Church – esteem women of God for the unbelievable blessings they are consistently to us (31:31).

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