7 Simple Steps for Scripture Memory

Something happens when the Word becomes portable with you. Your spiritual growth is exponential.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Scripture Memory

7 Simple Steps for Scripture Memory

Something happens when the Word becomes portable with you. Your spiritual growth is exponential.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Scripture memory is a powerful catalyst for discipleship.

Something happens when the Word becomes portable with you.  Your spiritual growth is exponential.  The discipline of mediating and memorizing Scripture turns God’s Word Bible from a book on a shelf to words on a heart.

Meditating on it day and night (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2), we lay these words on our hearts (Deut. 11:18) and they become the joy and delight of our hearts (Jer. 15:16).  We store it in our hearts so that can stop sinning (Ps. 119:11).  We are to have it dwell so richly within us that it comes out in what we teach to others (Col. 3:16).

I had many people tell me the importance of Scripture memory without providing a direction for me to begin.  

What I wanted to provide is a simple set of steps to begin you on this incredible path of Scripture memory.


How do you begin to memorize Scripture?  Here is a path to get started.

  1. RESEARCH which important verses you need to memorize first.  Establish fighter verses for the weak areas of temptation for you.  Strengthen abstract verses you kinda know.  Include pivotal verses that you need to have prepared as a maturing Christian.  Make your prioritized list to begin.
  2. REWRITE the verse into some type of collection tool.  Choose if you want to go paper or digital.  If paper, collect some notecards or word cards on a key chain and write the verse on one side and the reference on the other.  If digital, find a great app to keep up your growing list and systematically review them.
  3. READ the verse out loud numerous times.  Staring at the verse helps you learn it, but speaking the verse helps you memorize it.  Open up your mouth and read it.  It trains you to speak it and helps your retention immensely.
  4. RECITE out loud by sections until you can say the complete verse.  Start small and increase the amount that you recite incrementally.  Cover up sections of the verse as you go to build up to the entire section.
  5. REFER to the book, chapter, and verse before and after reciting it.  Be meticulous in citing the reference before quoting it and after it.  After you master it, you just need to include the reference before or after, but you want the ability to pass on the reference to others so they can find it themselves.
  6. REPEAT the verse until you have mastered it.  Don’t check it off until you have successfully recited the verse out loud numerous times.  Get so comfortable with it that you can recite it with clarity and passion.
  7. REVIEW the verse through intentional accountability systems.  If you have a digital app, find one that allows you to have reminders that keep you on track.  If another option, make sure you have some regular habit of reviewing what you have learned and not lose it.  Include another person to check on your progress and keep you accountable.

Whatever your path is, your first step is to begin by memorizing one verse – get started today!

Want more information?

Check out my podcast episode on how to "Memorize the 25 Most Important Verses."

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